Why Crystal Healing Should be the Next Course on Your List

A variety of healing crystals lying on top of a purple pouch.

The focus of beauty therapy is changing. No longer do clients only want to see a therapist to look good, they want to feel good too. Holistic treatments that promote healing on the inside are booming for that reason. In this blog, I want to look at crystal healing training. I’m so excited to say I’ll be offering it at the academy going forward.

But what is crystal healing, how does it work, and what are the benefits for clients? Read on to find out.

What is crystal healing?

Crystal healing is a holistic and natural therapy that helps to unblock, focus, and direct energy. Everything is energy. We are energy. When our energy becomes blocked, ‘stuck,’ or off-balance, we become physically or emotionally unwell.

If you’re interested in crystals, you probably know that every crystal has its own properties and energies, and so as a therapist, you can use a specific crystal to help a client with a particular problem. A little more on that later.

What does a crystal healing session look like?

pink crystal on the end of a chain, used as a pendulum

As a crystal healing therapist, you would do an in-depth consultation with your client. This is essential, because you need to look at all the different aspects of your client’s wellbeing. This is what holistic treatments are all about.

After you have completed crystal healing training, you will know which crystal(s) to use and how to position them to help your client with their particular concern.

Your client will be fully-clothed and lying down comfortably, then you will place the crystals on and around their body. You will encourage your client to breathe deeply and relax.

They may tell you that they feel a warm or tingly sensation, or they may feel nothing, it will vary between clients.

At the end of the session, you will remove the crystals and encourage your client to become aware of bodily sensations and their surroundings again. They will probably be deeply relaxed and should be eased back into awareness. Some clients might report that they feel better after just one session while for some, it will take a few sessions to feel the effects.

The benefits of crystal healing

Crystal healing is a complementary treatment that can be used alongside standard medical treatments that your client might be getting. It’s deeply relaxing and has no negative side-effects. Commonly reported benefits include reduced stress and anxiety, reduced physical pain, and better sleep. When it comes to emotional health, crystal therapy can bring clarity and a sense of inner peace.

What are some of the most commonly used crystals?

There are hundreds of different crystals, each with their own distinct properties and power. For example:

Clear quartz: As you might have guessed from the name, this is a clear crystal. It’s usually used for focusing energy and improving clarity.

Rose quartz: One of the best-known crystals, and one of my favourites!. This soft pink stone promotes self-love.

Amethyst: Amethyst is purple and it’s known for promoting restful sleep.

Black Onyx: This black crystal is used for protection as it’s thought to protect against negative energy.

How to get the best out of crystal healing

Your clients (and you!) can reap the benefits of crystals in between healing sessions. Advise clients to keep crystals in places that will benefit them. Ask them to carry a crystal in their handbag or wear one in a piece of jewellery. If your client is struggling with sleep, keeping an amethyst near their bed could help.

Encourage them to meditate and hold onto a crystal during the session. Crystals are a great way to enhance the effects of any energy work they might already be doing, like Helenergy Healing for example.

Crystals are not a magic wand

Clients need to understand that they should not expect to be ‘healed’ after one crystal healing session. It’s important that they take an active role in their own healing journey and use crystal healing as a gentle tool to help them get there.

Have you thought about offering crystal healing to your clients?

Do you want to offer a treatment that will really improve your client’s inner wellbeing? Do you want to train in a therapy that will help them not just look good on the outside, but feel good on the inside? Are holistic therapies your thing?

Crystal healing training should be the next course on your list. This is a full-accredited course and it’s suitable for complete beginners.

The first course date is Sunday 23rd January, 10.30am- 3pm, and I’m offering it at the amazing introductory price of £180.00. Spaces are limited, so get in touch quick to secure your place. Drop me a line at to book.


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