We’ve been in and out of lockdown for the best part of a year, and for us in the beauty industry, many of us haven’t worked for what is probably the longest time since we started.
Being forced out of our routines and having to deal with a very strange ‘new normal’ where we’ve felt very much in limbo has affected motivation for many. It’s been really hard not to feel defeated and deflated.
But now as restrictions ease, are you torn between feeling excited to get back to doing what you love and wondering if you have the motivation to go back to work and resume life as it was at all?
You’re not alone.
Here’s how to feel motivated again after lockdown.
Start with your lifestyle
Your physical and mental wellbeing influences everything else you do. If you’re not sleeping well, you can’t expect to be motivated and want to give the best to your clients. One of the best things you can do to help you sleep better is to get outside in the sunlight earlier on in the day. This will reset your body’s natural rhythms and help you get back into a better pattern.
If you find that your mind just won’t quieten down when you go to bed, put a wind down routine in place. Have a warm bath, meditate, read a book, or write down your thoughts and worries in a journal before you go to bed so they are out of your head.
After you’ve got your sleep sorted, the next thing to do is to make time for some exercise during the day. It doesn’t matter what it is, just move your body. It will lift your mood and reduce stress, as well as keeping you energised and healthy.
And it goes without saying, if you’ve let things slide with eating a healthy diet during lockdown (and most of us have), make a promise to yourself to start eating better to boost your energy and make you feel good from the inside out.
Make plans
Not being able to plan ahead has been one of the toughest things about this situation for many of us. We’ve been stuck in this weird limbo, unable to move forward. That’s why now that the restrictions are easing, making plans can carry us towards that light at the end of the tunnel.
On a personal level, this might be drinks in the garden with friends now that the rule of 6 applies, or on a professional level, it might be that you want to complete a new qualification, or even change your career or the focus of your business altogether.
Take baby steps when you do get back to work
Don’t worry about tackling a huge to do list when you do get back to work, start off with practical things like contacting clients to rearrange appointments made before lockdown (if you haven’t already) and going in to work for a day or two to get things nice and clean and ready to go.
Take baby steps when it comes to easing yourself back in. Look at your list of jobs and categorise them into Absolute Priority (things that must be done), Important (things that need doing but not in a hurry), and Not so important. Trust me, everything is not an absolute priority, even though it feels like it. If your motivation is lacking when you go back to work, just commit to achieving one small thing every day to take your business forward, and before you know it, you’ll be flying!
Don’t forget to look after yourself
Anyone who knows me knows that I’m really passionate about self-care. You can’t help anyone else if you don’t look after yourself, and whether that’s making the time to go for a walk in the sun or knowing when to take a day off, it’s so important. If you don’t put yourself first, who will?
Train with us…
If you’re looking to rebuild your business in 2021, you’ve come to the right place.
All our courses are taught in small groups which makes for a relaxing learning environment where you’ll get all of the attention you need. Steph, our academy director and trainer, has over 20 years’ experience in the industry so when you book a course with us, you’ll be perfectly prepared to be the most successful therapist that you can be.
For more information on any of our courses, call Steph on 07825337342.