How To Feel Less Stressed On The Run Up To Christmas

Christmas can be a lovely time of year but it can also be a stressful one at the best of times. It’s the busiest time by far for the beauty industry, and none of us need reminding that Christmas 2020 is probably going to look very different.

So how can you bring some balance in to your life, and reduce stress at home and at work at this Christmas?

Keep an eye on your stress levels day by day

A bit of short-term stress is not too harmful to health, but when it drags on and we don’t do anything to try and remedy it, it has a negative impact on our wellbeing.

If you’re feeling particularly stressed one day, do something that will help you feel balanced, like going for a walk or popping on a face mask and pampering yourself.

Make plans

Most of us always feel like we have too much to do and not enough time to do it in which can make our stress levels go through the roof. Write a to-do list for work and for home, try to prioritise what’s really important, and get other people to chip in and take some of the weight off too.

Take a break

Us therapists can often miss out on breaks when we have a packed diary, but it’s at the extra busy times that you really do need to take them to give your mind and body a rest, even if it’s for 10 minutes.

You might feel like you shouldn’t be taking breaks when you’re so busy, but not taking them can affect your energy and focus, and you won’t be able to give your clients your best.

Make the best of how things are

We’ve had to do this more than ever this year in the face of constantly changing restrictions, and Christmas is no exception. Don’t put pressure on yourself to try and make everything ‘perfect,’ just resolve to make the best of whatever happens. Be in the moment and make lots of nice new memories.

Try to eat well

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of indulgence at this time of year, but you won’t feel great if you’re existing for a month on alcohol, caffeine, and tins of celebrations! Try to eat a balanced diet, drink lots of water, and stick to regular mealtimes.

Know that it’s okay to say no

Whether that’s squeezing in more clients or taking on extra jobs at home, know that it’s okay to say no if you’re overwhelmed. With the pandemic this year, there has been a lot of online quizzes and other online social events going on, which is lovely, but the lack of face to face interaction can be quite draining. If you really can’t fit anything else into your already packed schedule and you feel exhausted, just say no.

Take some time out for yourself

I’m big on this because I know how important it is, especially at such a busy time of year for us therapists. To be at your best and to be able to fully enjoy life, as well as your time at work and at home, you need to look after yourself before you do anything else.

Quick ideas for self-care/chill time: read a book or magazine, listen to some music, watch a favourite film or TV show, do some yoga, have a nap, have a bath- just be.

Remember what’s really important

It’s all too easy to lose sight of what’s really important, but this year, we need to focus on that more than ever. Even if it feels like you haven’t got a lot to be grateful for this year, I bet if you think about it, you have. Time with loved ones, making moments and memories. Staying cosy on a cold day. Being thankful that you’re here to celebrate Christmas, whatever that looks like for you.


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