Ear candling is a holistic therapy that helps to improve symptoms of problems associated with the ear, nose, and throat. The treatment involves placing a hollow cone-shaped candle made of cotton that has been soaked in beeswax, honey, and herbs into the ear canal to remove excess wax and treat other problems. Ear candling can bring about a sense of deep relaxation and it can leave your clients feeling de-stressed and energised.
The history of ear candling
It is believed that the Ancient Greeks were the first to perform ear candling as part of cleansing and healing rituals. Then the Egyptians, Mayan, and Inca people adopted the practice. The ear candling technique we know today was first used by a Native American tribe called the Hopis, and this is where the name comes from.
The Hopis used ear candling in healing rituals, and the ingredients they used in their candles, cotton, beeswax, honey, sage, and chamomile, are still used today.
What happens during a treatment?
Before you carry out a treatment, you should discuss your client’s medical history and ask about any symptoms they are currently experiencing to determine whether ear candling is appropriate for them.
You should then place your client in a comfortable position on their side with their head supported by a pillow. Their hair should usually be covered with a small towel. The candle is then gently inserted into the ear and it’s allowed to burn for around 10 minutes.
When the candle is lit, the warm air rises and creates a vacuum, which stimulates the ear to get rid of wax and other blockages gently. Removing the wax and blockages clears the inner ear and the sinuses which should relieve any feelings of pressure.
Explain to your client that they may hear a crackling sound and feel a warm sensation as the candle burns.
The candle should then be removed gently from the ear and extinguished in water. The treatment is then repeated on the other ear, and the session finishes with a massage around the ears, face, and neck to promote lymphatic drainage and to boost the effects of the candling.
Allow your client to lie still for around 15 minutes after the treatment and give them a drink of water.
What are the benefits?
Hopi ear candling does not claim to be able to treat any ailments, though it can be used to relieve the symptoms of:
- excessive ear wax, blocked sinuses
- ear irritation
- colds
- flu
- headaches
- migraines
- hay fever
- anxiety and stress
- asthma
- vertigo
When should the candles not be used?
Hopi ear candling is a natural holistic treatment, though there are some risks. Care should always be taken when handling the lit candle and inserting it into a client’s ear.
Ear candling is not appropriate if:
- The ear drum is perforated
- Your client has an ear or sinus infection
- Your client is allergic to any of the candle ingredients
- Your client has high blood pressure
Train with us!
If you would love to be able to offer this relaxing and soothing treatment to your clients, why not train with us?
All our courses are taught in small groups which makes for a relaxing learning environment where you’ll get all the attention you need. Steph, our academy director and trainer, has over 20 years’ experience in the industry so when you book a course with us, you’ll be perfectly prepared to be the most successful therapist that you can be.
For more information on any of our courses, call Steph on 07825337342.